maanantai 15. toukokuuta 2023

Lähihoitajat Bilbaossa :)

 Hello from Bilbao!

The first week has been wery interesting, full of action and getting used to the culture.
Flights went well and ofcoure my ears hurt many hours after the flights.

I was so excited and firs we brought our luggage to the apartment, btw we had a huge apartment there
Next day we found amazing place to get some light food.

Best thing in Bilbao was the good and expesialy the cafe. That is the thing I am going to miss.
The prices are so low and we lived there like a royalty.

First day in work was amazing and I was ready to start my journey.

I was worried about my English skills, but I managed so we'll with everyone, and if other people in spain don't speak English you will manage with your gestures. Just be thankful and respectful.
Maby one negative part was that everyone is always late

But I will update this in couple weeks and let's see how this trip will continue

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Köln, Saksa

  13.1.2025 Opiskelen Samiedussa media-alan perustutkintoa nyt toista vuotta ja lähdin Erasmuksen tukemana Kölniin tekemään 4,5 kuukautta ...