maanantai 15. toukokuuta 2023

Couple weeks later...


The daily life here has been full of adventure and work.
The works friends are nice and helpful.
In the mornings we are with younger children in the nursery, then we have like 4 hovers off and then we go back to work in the evening and teach English to school aged kids. We did our first presentation and it went well, kids loved it and they had so many questions.

In the free time we went to the beach and Guggenheim museum and what else... We went almost everyday to eat somewhere in different restaurants. And Hilja ate so much cod😅
And we found other studes that were from Italy and spend our time with them.

Then came Easter time and we had couple days off, there were not many places open so we mostly stayed at the apartment.

Then it was mental breakdown time when the apartment situation didn't go as planned and It was really stressful, but we still found our way👍🏼

I will update again before we go back😄 

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Köln, Saksa

  13.1.2025 Opiskelen Samiedussa media-alan perustutkintoa nyt toista vuotta ja lähdin Erasmuksen tukemana Kölniin tekemään 4,5 kuukautta ...