maanantai 13. helmikuuta 2023

Kokkiopiskelijan kuulumia Bilbaosta!!


This is some of what I am doing in Bilbao and my training place (Kerren restaurant). I like already this city so much . It has very modern and also very  old architecture. The streets to go to work like a painting by an artist . You can find also the old churches ⛪️ soo soo beautiful.  

Also here in Bilbao  is a lot of water like a river in the middle of the city and the beach's of the sea everywhere, bars,  restaurants, alot of shops and transportation is so easy with buses and metro.

 In my place of training (Kerren restaurant ) I like this restaurant because it has very  special way to grill the meat with carbon on grill and in special room to do big amount of meat in the same time  with and in slow way of grilling  . 

They have also interesting minu alla carta and menu of drinks 🍸, every day I learn something new in bar or in kitchen  with the help of all staff . It was also so interesting for me haw they do fuagrà (one of the most famous dishes in French cuisine) and here's some photos of what I do and haw I work during my training time.

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Köln, Saksa

  13.1.2025 Opiskelen Samiedussa media-alan perustutkintoa nyt toista vuotta ja lähdin Erasmuksen tukemana Kölniin tekemään 4,5 kuukautta ...