sunnuntai 2. huhtikuuta 2017

Greetings from Malta ;)

Malta is a lovely little island with lots of history near Sicily. I'm here with two students from Savonlinna. Yesterday it was really sunny and warm, and we fair Scandinavians got sunburnt. The people in Malta are easy going and like to talk to the tourists. The culture of Malta is an interesting mixture of Sisilian, Arab and British influences to mention a few. However, one picture is worth a thousand words. This is how it looks like in Malta.

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Köln, Saksa

  13.1.2025 Opiskelen Samiedussa media-alan perustutkintoa nyt toista vuotta ja lähdin Erasmuksen tukemana Kölniin tekemään 4,5 kuukautta ...